Claim via Social Media and the Joe Rogan Experience:

Did you know the US were operating 37+ biological laboratories in Ukraine? These bio-labs were developing biological weapons & viruses.

Did you know the US were operating 37+ biological laboratories in Ukraine? These bio-labs were developing biological weapons & viruses. The BBC & CNN don’t want you knowing this – so listen to Joe Rogan & guests discuss….


Investigations and fact checks by multiple reputable sources, including Statesman, PolitiFact, and USA Today, have thoroughly debunked the claim that the United States operates biological laboratories in Ukraine for the purpose of developing biological weapons. These sources highlight that while biological laboratories exist worldwide for various legitimate research purposes, the specific allegation of US-operated labs in Ukraine involved in weapons development lacks evidence and is unfounded. The claims about US biolabs in Ukraine are a part of disinformation campaigns, as part of Russian disinformation efforts, clarifying the misleading nature of the term “bio-lab” and the lack of evidence for any military research involvement​.

Fact or Fiction?

Fiction. The claim that the US operates over 37 biological laboratories in Ukraine for the purpose of developing biological weapons and viruses is a piece of disinformation. Reputable fact-checks have shown that while biological labs do exist for various research purposes globally, the specific assertion about US-operated military research facilities in Ukraine is unfounded and part of a broader disinformation campaign.

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