At 81, Joe Biden is the oldest president in American history, and Donald Trump, turning 78 in June, would become the oldest person elected president if he wins in 2024. The candidates’ ages have become a significant topic in the 2024 presidential election coverage. A Pew Research Center survey highlights Americans’ mixed feelings on how news organizations handle this issue, with opinions sharply divided by political party.

The survey, conducted from April 8 to April 14, 2024, included 8,709 U.S. adults and is representative of the U.S. adult population. The survey reveals that 32% of Americans believe the media gives too much attention to Biden’s age, 29% say too little, and 38% think it’s about the right amount. Conversely, only 19% feel Trump’s age is overemphasized, while 49% believe it’s adequately covered.

Confidence in the candidates’ physical and mental fitness also varies. More Americans trust Trump’s fitness for the presidency compared to Biden’s. Party affiliation significantly influences these perceptions. Nearly half of Democrats (46%) think Trump’s age receives too little attention, compared to 14% of Republicans. For Biden, 48% of Republicans believe his age is underreported, versus 12% of Democrats.

Within their own parties, 48% of Democrats think Biden’s age gets too much attention, while only 23% of Republicans feel the same about Trump. Most Republicans (63%) believe Trump’s age receives the right amount of coverage.

Age-related opinions show minor differences across age groups. Among those 65 and older, 34% say Biden’s age gets too little attention, compared to 26% of adults under 30.

The full survey details and methodology are available from Pew Research Center. This study is part of Pew’s ongoing research into news, information, and journalism, funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

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