Media Bias Fact Check selects and publishes fact checks from around the world. We only utilize fact-checkers that are either a signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) or have been verified as credible by MBFC. Further, we review each fact check for accuracy before publishing. We fact-check the fact-checkers and let you know their bias. When appropriate, we explain the rating and/or offer our own rating if we disagree with the fact-checker. (D. Van Zandt)

Claim Codes: Red = Fact Check on a Right Claim, Blue = Fact Check on a Left Claim, Black = Not Political/Conspiracy/Pseudoscience/Other

Fact Checker bias rating Codes: Red = Right-Leaning, Green = Least Biased, Blue = Left-Leaning, Black = Unrated by MBFC

Claim by Charlie Christ (D): Gov. Ron DeSantis raised “taxes on the middle class by more than $1.5 billion while giving away $624 million to big corporations.”

Politifact rating: Mostly False (The law did not establish a new tax. DeSantis extended a temporary corporate tax reduction set into motion by former Gov. Rick Scott in 2018. The state’s tax agency refunded nearly $624 million to the state’s corporate taxpayers this year.)

Charlie Crist misleads on Ron DeSantis’ record on taxes

Claim by Mark Ghalili: “We allow toxic metals such as aluminum and mercury in shots”

Health Feedback rating: Inaccurate (Neither aluminum nor mercury are present in their elemental forms in vaccines. Aluminum salts, which improve the body’s response to vaccination, as well as the mercury-containing antibacterial thimerosal, haven’t been associated with health problems at the quantities used in vaccines.)

No mercury or aluminum is present in vaccines; vaccine ingredients aren’t associated with disease

FALSE Claim by Joe Biden (D): “Do you realize the bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun, five times — is lighter — and can pierce Kevlar?”

The Washington Post rating: False (2x)

Analysis | Biden’s bungled talking point on the muzzle velocity of AR-15s

Claim via Social Media: Sarah Palin said liberals are secularizing Christian holidays, and Jesus celebrated Easter.

USA Today rating: False (Satire shared as real news.)

Fact check: Purported Sarah Palin Easter quote originated as satire

Claim via Social Media: Foot Tablets Will Make A Person Lose Weight.

Lead Stories rating: False (Not Realistic)

Fact Check: Foot Tablets Will NOT Make A Person Lose Weight

FALSE (International: India): Video shows Rahul Gandhi using litre as unit of measurement for atta.

Boom Live rating: False

Edited Clip Of Rahul Gandhi’s “Atta 40rs Per Litre” Faux Pas Goes Viral | BOOM

Disclaimer: We are providing links to fact-checks by third-party fact-checkers. If you do not agree with a fact check, please directly contact the source of that fact check.

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By Media Bias Fact Check

Media Bias Fact Check was founded by Dave Van Zandt in 2015. Dave is a registered Non-Affiliated voter who values evidence-based reporting.

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